
Welcome! We are here to help you on your family’s toileting journey, no matter the age or stage of your child(ren). Whether you have a newborn or older baby 0-18mth and are interested in or practicing Elimination Communication, or you are considering or attempting Potty Training with your toddler or preschooler 18mth+, we can help you successfully reach your family’s toileting goals in a gentle and supportive way, without the use of pressure, reward systems or coercive methods.

The average age of Toilet Independence for North American children is rising every year. This is the result of many factors including busier parents, faster-paced lifestyles, enhanced diaper technology and more, but a huge factor is a culturally pervasive myth of potty training readiness. The result is that potty training is delayed and more and more parents are in a panic to potty train their children before they enter Kindergarten. It doesn’t have to be this way! We can help to change this pattern for you and your children, whether they are 1 day or 4 years old (or anywhere in between). We’d love to help you get started!

Scroll down to see what others have to say, or visit our testimonials.


I would like to share with you that my son peed 3 times in the urinal at school today and he peed in the toilet here at home when he got home from school. I’m so happy. I even cried I was just so happy for him. I’m soooo proud of him. When his teacher messaged me this morning that he peed in the urinal I was just so happy. I can’t thank you enough Ruthann you were such a big help!

Mama of a new JK student

After more than a year of potty training starts and stops, reading books and articles, and trying every method we came across, my husband and I were incredibly discouraged at our inability to help our almost-4-year-old son learn how to use the toilet. He seemed to have no interest in the process, was comfortable in diapers, and each attempt to teach him was met with firm resistance. At long last we reached out to Ruthann for help, and we are so glad we did.


Suzanne, Nathan’s Mom